Student Information
VALUE doctoral program offers several instruments for doctoral education. These include partial support to attend courses and international conferences. Student exchange abroad for 1-6 months is especially encouraged as a part of the PhD training.
Students in VALUE Doctoral school holds two kinds of positions, student positions and matching funding positions. Both positions require applying procedure and acceptance of the board.
- The student on a student position holds a fulltime employer status at one of the participating institute or university, based on a signed agreement. He/she is paid a monthly salary, and in return, he/she has to perform given tasks that are connected to the thesis research and related studies.
- Students on matching funding positions should have own funding for working, e.g. salary or grant.
All VALUE students have the right to participate and apply for support for participation in courses and seminars arranged by VALUE, and also apply for travel grants for other scientific courses and seminars. All VALUE students should participate in the VALUE Joint seminars. Participation costs in these seminars are fully covered.
It should be noted that combined duration of student and matching funding positions is four years (48 months) in total for full-time postgraduate students. During the four years, the student should be able to finish the thesis work. VALUE should ensure reasonable support for the students so that they are able to finish their work, including courses and supervision.
Both student position and matching funding position in VALUE excludes the possibility to have a position in another postgraduate school funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education. Some exceptions may apply.

Funding for travels
Funding conditions, available amounts and applying instructions for VALUE students (both positions) are presented here.
Information about the courses and other events here.
Useful links to support research work and studies
- Practical tips for doctoral students - how to write scientific articles and thesis synopsis (also in Finnish)
- Tips for Writing Scientific Journal Articles- a guidebook to successfully write scientific articles