VALUE - Doctoral Program in
Integrated Catchment and Water Resources Management
The integral theme of VALUE doctoral program is comprehensive analysis of watershed activities and their impacts. VALUE provides the frameworks for improved cooperation between social sciences and water related technical and ecological sciences as well as for their joint graduate education. By this interdisciplinary approach and active international cooperation, new methods and technology will be developed for modeling and knowledge-based policymaking dealing with watersheds and water resources management. The doctoral program responds to the calls that were stressed in the Water Research in Finland 2002-2006 - Report of an International Panel appointed by the Academy of Finland, as well as in several international strategies.
VALUE started in the beginning of 2010, the first student were selected in the fall of 2009. VALUE has ended its activities in the beginning of 2016 together with all the national doctoral programs supported by the Academy of Finland and Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
VALUE three themes:
Integration of changes in land-use, environmental changes, climate change, and ecological interaction at a catchment level.
Methods and technologies to manage water resources in a comprehensive and balanced manner.
To secure different water usage requirements, nature biodiversity, preservation of water resources as well as businesses, economy, and health.
Latest news
Over 30 dissertations defended by the VALUE doctoral candidates by the end of 2017. See more...
Northern hydrology – research methods and foreseen changes in Oulu, Finland on Autumn 2015. Read more...
Spatial multicriteria analysis for environmental decision-making in Oulu, Finland on January 2015. Read more...
VALUE Concluding Seminar in Helsinki on November 2013. More..
Partners in cooperation
The graduate school Focus on Soils & Water
The International Research School in Water Resources
The Engineering Graduate School Environment Water (EGW) of IAHR