VALUE thesis subjects and dissertations
SP stands for Student position - MF stands for Matching funding position. More information from Coordinator)
Name and date for dissertation |
Dissertation title |
University / research institute |
Ala-aho Pertti 9.10.2014 Thesis |
Groundwater-surface water interaction in esker aquifers. From field measurements to fully integrated numerical modelling | University of Oulu |
Alahuhta Janne 11.11.2011 Thesis abstract |
Patterns of aquatic macrophytes in the boreal region: implications for spatial scale issues and ecological assessment | University of Oulu / SYKE |
Beucher Amélie 8.4.2015 Thesis |
Spatial modeling techniques for mapping and characterization of acid sulfate soils | Åbo Akademi University |
Flener Claude 23.5.2015 Thesis |
Remote sensing for three-dimensional modelling of hydromorphology | University of Turku |
Gonzales Inca Carlos 8.12.2017 Thesis |
Modeling the spatial and temporal trends of water quality in boreal managed watersheds | University of Turku, Finland |
Grönroos Mira 30.10.2015 Thesis |
Metacommunity structuring in stream systems. Disentangling the roles of regional and local processes | University of Oulu / SYKE |
Hiltunen Minna 15.1.2016 Thesis |
The role of zooplankton in the trophic transfer of fatty acids in boreal lake food webs | University of Eastern Finland |
Hohenthal Johanna 5.3.2018 Thesis |
Local ecological knowledge in deteriorating water catchments Reconsidering environmental histories and inclusive governance in the Taita Hills, Kenya | University of Helsinki |
Huttunen Kaisa-Leena 29.4.2016 Thesis |
Biodiversity through time: coherence, stability and species turnover in boreal stream communities | University of Oulu |
Jyväsjärvi Jussi 6.8.2011 Thesis abstract |
Environmental drivers of lake profundal macroinvertebrate community variation - implications for bioassessment | University of Jyväskylä |
Kasvi Elina 21.2.2015 Thesis |
Fluvio-morphological processes of meander bends - Combining conventional field measurements, close-range remote sensing and computational modelling | University of Turku |
Klimeski Aleksandr 20.11.2015 Thesis |
Characterization of Solid Phosphorus-Retaining Materials – from Laboratory to Large-Scale Treatment of Agricultural Runoff | University of Helsinki / LUKE |
Kuha Jonna 12.8.2016 Thesis |
Automated water quality monitoring of humic lakes by using the optical properties of water | University of Jyväskylä |
Lotsari Eliisa 14.7.2012 Thesis |
Fluvial Processes and Their Future Magnitudes: Combined Field Observation and Simulation Approaches | University of Turku |
Marttila Maare 8.12.2017 Thesis |
Ecological and social dimensions of restoration success in boreal river systems | University of Oulu / LUKE |
Mustamo Pirkko 17.1.2017 Thesis |
Greenhouse gas fluxes from drained peat soils: A comparison of different land use types and hydrological site characteristics | University of Oulu |
Mustonen Kaisa 26.11.2016 Thesis |
Climate change and boreal rivers: predicting present-day patterns and future changes in hydrological regime and its effects on river communities | University of Oulu |
O'Neill Mia 7.3.2015 Thesis |
Ecological Sanitation - A Logical Choice? The Development of the Sanitation Institution in a World Society | Tampere University of Technology |
Pätynen Anita 6.6.2014 Thesis |
Modelling phytoplankton in boreal lakes | University of Jyväskylä / SYKE |
Rossi Pekka 6.6.2014 Thesis |
Integrated management of groundwater and dependent ecosystems in Finnish eskers | University of Oulu |
Räsänen Noora 10.11.2017 Thesis |
Microbial activity in runoff waters of restored boreal mires | University of Eastern Finland |
Saarinen Tuomas 24.5.2013 Thesis |
Temporal and spatial variation in the status of acid rivers and potential prevention methods of AS soil-related leaching in peatland forestry | University of Oulu |
Salmivaara Aura 4.9.2015 Thesis |
Spatial Vulnerability Assessments for Water Resources Management – Cases from major Asian river basins with a focus on spatial unit of analysis and the use of big and open data | Aalto University School of Engineering |
Siipola Virpi 5.5.2017 Thesis |
Geochemical impacts on the release of silicon within entire watersheds | University of Helsinki |
Sinkko Hanna 22.8.2013 Thesis |
Sediment Bacterial Communities in Nutrient Cycling and in the History of the Baltic Sea | University of Helsinki |
Sojamo Suvi 17.6.2016 Thesis |
Water-using corporations as agents of water security, management and governance - exploring cases from stewardship initiatives in South Africa to global networks of power | Aalto University School of Engineering |
Stenberg Leena 18.11.2016 Thesis |
Erosion and sediment transport mechanisms in drained peatland forest catchments after ditch network maintenance | Aalto University School of Engineering |
Suurkuukka Heli 12.12.2014 Thesis |
Spatial and temporal variability of freshwater biodiversity in natural and modified forested landscapes | University of Oulu |
Tammela Simo 13.11.2013 Thesis |
Enhancing migration and reproduction of salmonid fishes: method development and research using physical and numerical modelling | University of Oulu |
Tolkkinen (nee Annala) Mari 18.3.2016 Thesis |
Multi-stressor effects in boreal streams : Disentangling the roles of natural and land use disturbance to stream communities | University of Oulu |
Tolkkinen Mikko 2.10.2015 Thesis |
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in boreal streams: the effects of anthropogenic disturbances and naturally stressful environments | University of Oulu / SYKE |
Västilä Kaisa 15.1.2016 Thesis |
Flow–vegetation–sediment interaction: Physical processes in environmental channels | Aalto University School of Engineering |
Doctoral students
Name |
Research topic |
University / research institute |
Brek-Laitinen Grazyna | SP | Autochthonous vs allochthonous carbon in microbial food webs of changing lacustrine ecosystems – the role of picoplankton and its diversity in carbon cycling | University of Helsinki |
Ferencik Ion | SP | Integrated environmental modeling of hydrological systems A coupled hillslope-floodplain-channel approach | Aalto University School of Engineering |
Huitu Hanna | MF | Mapping source areas of suspended solids and nutrients loading from agriculture to water using GIS modeling and automatic hydrometeorological monitoring | Aalto University School of Engineering |
Kaila Annu | SP | The cycling and transport of phosphorus following the restoration of drained peatland forests | University of Helsinki Metla |
Kaitaranta Joni | MF | Role of macrophytes and shallow near-shore areas in regulating resuspension-driven nutrient loading in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea | University of Helsinki |
Lehtimäki (née Kuparinen) Maria | MF | Biological processes affecting the cycling of silicon (Si) within water ecosystems and their catchment areas | University of Helsinki |
Mlambo Musa | MF | The impact of logging residue removal (LRR) on boreal headwater stream communities and drainages. | University of Oulu |
Nieminen Mika | MF | Assessing the biological effects on freshwater ecosystems of domestic bioenergy harvesting | University of Jyväskylä |
Sipari Hanna | SP | RNA-based detection methods for hepatotoxic cyanobacteria and regulation of microcystin biosynthesis | University of Helsinki |
Takala Annina | SP | Building competence for sustainable water and waste water services | Tampere University of Technology |
Vaalama Anu | MF | Phosphorus sorption properties of surface sediments' in northern Baltic Sea | University of Helsinki |