Student and Matching funding positions up to four years available at VALUE Doctoral Program
In VALUE Doctoral Program, at least 2 full time Student positions and 4 to 6 Matching positions are available up to four years. When filling these positions, applications received by 30 October, 2011 (UTC+2) will be taken into consideration in the selection process. Applications sent later than that will be taken into consideration in a later date (to be informed later).
VALUE – Doctoral School in Integrated Catchment and Water Resources Management is a Finnish nationwide graduate school funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and the Academy of Finland. All Finnish key universities and research institutes on the field take part in the cooperation, with their international networks. The doctoral program has started in the beginning of 2010.
Pollution and lack of sufficient of water resources weaken the quality of life, affect the development of societies, and impact ecosystems. Water quantity and quality are regulated by hydrological processes, geochemical and biological processes, and by external factors, such as climate and land-use. Sustainable use of water resources, water conservation and restoration require knowledge on processes, as well as responses and ecological effects.
By multidisciplinary research, VALUE doctoral school seeks solutions for integrated water resource management. VALUE brings together high quality research of the partner universities and research institutes by creating new research consortia in the following fields:
- Diffuse pollution, transport processes, and water quality management
- Criteria and methods for catchment and water course restoration
- New methods and technologies for monitoring and management
- Integrated water resources management
For more information on VALUE, please visit the web page.
About Doctoral student positions
The doctoral student positions are available from January 1st, 2012, for students wishing to conduct research in the research fields of VALUE Doctoral School, carried out in the partner universities and research institutes of VALUE. The maximum duration of studentship is four years. The applicants should hold an MSc or equivalent degree in a relevant field. We are looking for motivated applicants who are able to work in multidisciplinary teams and who have a good command of English. The full selection criteria and links to additional information about the requirements of the partner universities are found here.
Student positions
Student position holds a salary for up to four years. Salary will be based on job demand levels of 1 to 4 of the Salary systems for teaching and research staff at Universities. In addition, on the basis of personal work performance, up to 46,3 % of the job demand level can be paid (scale from approximately 1600 to 2700 Euros per month)
Matching funding positions
Matching funding positions require own funding. The students in matching funding positions are entitled to free participation in two annual seminars of VALUE, as well as for travel grants for participation in other courses, seminars, and conferences both in Finland and abroad.
Application form and delivery of the applications
Web-based application form should be used by all applicants. The applications with appendices should be received by the recipient no later than October 30, 2011 (UTC+2). Applications received overdue will not be considered for evaluation in this call.
Please note:
- the recommendation letter of the supervisor(s) has to be delivered separately by November 2, 2011 (UTC+2).
- you are required to show original or officially certified documents on your degrees and further studies as well as your working history when signing the agreement.
Useful information for applicants
Benefits for VALUE students
Education in VALUE Doctoral Program
VALUE organization
VALUE application form
Selection criteria
More information:
Instructional coordinator Riitta Kamula, Tel. +358 8 553 3566, riitta.kamula at oulu.fi