

VALUE Course 2015

Short Doctoral Training Course
Northern hydrology – research methods and foreseen changes
University of Oulu, Linnanmaa Campus, Lecture Room TBC, Oulu, Finland

Program for the intensive period on December 1-3, 2015

Tuesday Dec 1, 2015
Field excursion, Rokua Region

8:15 Meeting at the entrance 2T, Linnanmaa, Oulu
8:30 Departure by bus All the participants give a 1 min introduction who they are and why are they on the bus
10:00 Field site 1: River Oulujoki/Muhosjoki Demonstration of ADCP-measurement from remote controlled mini- boat
12:00 Lunch Rokua kuntokeskus (compliments of the course)
13:00 Field methods in groups
  1. 1. Groundwater measurements
  2. 2. Soil properties and weather data measurements
  3. 3. Water quality and water sampling methods
  4. 4. Infrared camera and UAV-methods
  5. 5. ADCP measurements - pre-data analysis
17:00 Course dinner Suppa/Rokua Hovi (compliments of the course)
  Miniseminar Visit exhibition describing the formation of the Rokua National and Geopark area.

Each student present their research topic with Pecha Kucha presentation style, 4 slides/2 minutes
20:00 Departure for Oulu Return in Oulu at about 22

Wednesday Dec 2, 2015
New and upcoming methodologies

9:00 Theme:
Lecture Hall TBC
9:00 Welcoming words and new challenges in Northern Hydrology
Prof. Björn Klöve, University of Oulu
9:30 Airborne techniques (drones and manned aircraft) to acquire hydrological data, Infrared-camera
Dr. Kirsti Korkka-Niemi, University of Helsinki
10:00 Laser Scanning Applications in Fluvial Geomorphology: Special Emphasis to Sub-Arctic Rivers
Prof. Petteri Alho, University of Turku
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Optical remote sensing techniques to map snow coverage
Dr. Sari Metsämäki, Finnish Environment Institute
11:30 Microwave remote sensing techniques to map soil frost, soil moisture
Dr. Corine Davids, NORUT, Norway
12:00 Lunch (at own cost)
13:00 Theme:
Lecture Hall TBC
13:00 Theory of applying environmental isotopes
Dr. Anna-Kaisa Ronkanen
14:00 Examples on applications for environmental isotopes
Prof. Juha Karhu, University of Helsinki
15:00 Demonstration on how to use PICARRO isotope analyser
Elina Isokangas, University of Oulu

HANDS-ON EXCERSICE using isotope data
17:00 End of the day

Thusday Dec 3, 2015
Hydrological modeling

Lecture Hall TBC
9:00 Basic concepts of hydrological modelling
Prof. Harri Koivusalo, Aalto University
10:00 Groundwater modelling – cases from Rokua and Kälväsvaara Eskers
Dr. Pekka Rossi, University of Oulu
10:30 Meander bend processes - combining field measurements, remote sensing and computational modelling
Dr. Elina Kasvi, University of Turku
11:00 Lunch (at own cost)
Lecture Hall YB210
PhD defence of Masoud Irannezhad:
Spatio-temporal climate variability and snow resource changes in Finland
Prof. Harri Koivusalo, Aalto University:
  • familiarize students to hydrological modelling with computational software
15:00 Discourse forumRole play session:
  • 3-5 participants will introduce their reseach topic and how the topic is rielated to northern hydrology
17:00 End of the day

Course description

More information:
Senior Researcher Hannu Marttila; Tel. +358 294 48 4333, hannu.marttila at oulu.fi
Instructional coordinator Riitta Kamula, Tel. +358 294 48 3566, riitta.kamula at oulu.fi