VALUE Course 2012
Introduction to Surface Water Quality Modelling
Scope: 5.0 credits
Timing: periods 2-3
Course code: 488113S
Objectives: To assess the fate of detrimental elements in rivers and lakes using mathematical modeling.
Learning outcomes: The student knows the main transport mechanisms and will be able to model water quality in lakes and streams. The students will be able to use Matlab in environmental analysis, modeling and programming.
Contents: Introduction to modelling in water resources planning, environmental hydraulics, open channel flow, lake hydraulics, processes and water quality, dimensional analysis, hydraulic experiments, transport of conservative and reactive solutes in rivers. Modelling with ordinary differential equations, fully mixed systems, analytical and numerical methods for surface water modelling. Parameter estimation and uncertainty. Tracer tests and measurements systems.
Working methods: Lectures, exercises and modelling with Matlab.
Prerequisites: Hydrological Processes and basic university level knowledge of mathematics and physics.
Study materials: Surface Water Quality Modelling (Chapra S, 1996, ISBN 0-0701-1-364-5). Fluvial Hydraulics: Flow and Transport Processes in Channels of Simple Geometry. (Walter HG, 1998, ISBN 0-0471-97714-4). Environmental Hydraulics of Open Channel Flows (Chanson H, 2004, ISBN 0-7506-6165-8). Handout and other materials delivered in lectures.
Assessment methods: Report about exercises (grade 1-5), examination (pass/fail).
Responsible person: University Lecturer A-K. Ronkanen
Other information: Lectures are given every second years (even autumn periods).
Language of instruction: English
More information: Coordinator Riitta Kamula, Tel. +358 8 553 3566, riitta.kamula at oulu.fi