VALUE Course 2010
Environmental chemistry of phosphorus – linkage between watershed and recipient water
The aim of thes reading is to acquaint the student with some principles of soil and the terminology used (important!). The main goal is to make the learning easier and promote interactive discussions during the intensive period. The homework is based on this material. After registration into the course, the participant will receive the pre-assignment.
For mineral issues, visit also the Virtual Museum of Minerals and Molecules at http://virtual-museum.soils.wisc.edu/displays.html
To learn the terminology also in English, the Finnish students are recommended to consult the Glossary of soil science terms given the textbook by Brady and Weil.
The following textbooks are recommended:
1. Maan vesi- ja ravinnetalous –ojitus, kastelu ja ympäristö
(eds. Maija Paasonen-Kivekäs, Rauno Peltomaa, Pertti Vakkilainen, Helena Äijö), Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Jyväskylä 2009 (ISBN 987-952-5345-22-3)
2. Maaperä (themes 2.1- 2.5)
4. Aineiden käyttäytyminen maaperässä (pages 114 -118, 124-138, 166-174)
2. Nyle. C. Brady and Ray R. Weil: Elements of the Nature and Properties of Soils, Pearson Education Ltd, 2004.
(ISBN 0-13-048038-X)
1. The soils around us
4. Soil architecture and physical properties:
4.2. Soil texture
4.3. Soil textural classes
8. The colloidal fraction: Seat of soil chemical and physical activity
8.1. General properties and types of soil colloids
8.4. Structural characteristics of nonsilicate colloids
8.7. Adsorption of cations and anions
8.11. Anion exchange
9. Soil acidity, alkalinity (and salinity that can be excluded) ) 9.1 - 9.6
13. Soil phosphorus (potassium and micronutrients, concentrate on P)
Click here for the program of the contact learning period
More information: Coordinator Riitta Kamula, Tel. +358 8 553 3566, riitta.kamula at oulu.fi